Monday, April 29, 2013

Much Nicer Than They Say

So, here I am, in New York City! I finally made it. Now, everyone says how mean, rude, and impolite New Yorkers are, but I have a different story.

When the plane came in, it was drizzly, 54 degrees and couldn't have been more perfect! Off the plane and through the airport, I stopped at the information counter to find out where to buy a metrocard. The super polite guy at the counter welcomed me to New York and pointed me to the vending machine, then said if I needed any help with subway maps, he would be happy to assist. Another nice man showed me the map and said to tell the bus driver what stop I needed, so he would be sure to call it. I made it to the subway, and when I got off, wouldn't you know that some nice guy offered to help me with my bag.... No, lol, I didn't take his help.

At my friend's apartment building someone kindly held the gate for me, held the door for me, and another man held the elevator.

After a long day of helping her buy new furniture in New Jersey (yes, I spent my first day in New York in New Jersey) we went back to her place where one of her neighbors helped us move everything upstairs.

So, regardless of what else happens here, New Yorkers have started off on the right foot with me. Smiles and friendliness go a long way and always come back to you, even in this biggest of cities.

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