Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Gettin' in the Groove

When I cook, there is one thing that happens no where else in my life-- I get in a groove. I know what I need to do, how to do it, and I know how much time I have to get it done, and nothing can stand in my way. I see, in my head, when things have to happen to be ready on time, and what tasks I can delegate, and then I get down to work.

Sometimes, I listen to music, put my Pandora radio on shuffle, and dig into my work. Sometimes, I prefer the silence in the kitchen, so my mind can do the shuffling. As I make headway into my tasks, the hours fly by, and before I know it, we are ready for dinner service, and my kitchen is tidied, the plates are warm and customers are being seated for their dinner theater experience.

Of course, when I have a lot going on emotionally, I bake. Cookies, cake, breads, new recipes, old favorites, anything to work out the stress. My friends benefit from the results, as do I, but in different ways. They get to eat lots of delicious things, and I have some significant relaxation.

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